
I just love what I do – “I ham pashinit abowt iet – ” – I say in my best Cypriotic flavored Greek  accent (that is, if I actually had one)

 Yes I may be balding, slightly deaf, dance like a white boy and I don’t always eat with a knife and fork but I do do photography – Did I just say doodoo ?

What I LOVE about photography

Photography is a field no one ever truly masters.  The growth curve you go through, learning to see, imagine, create or plain old ‘ just push the shutter button now and forget the settings’… keeps you coming back for more – like the discovery of new flavours of Lindt.  (who the heck first thought of chilli and cacao wedded in blissful slab).  I get excited each time I pick up a camera …………… Each shoot still excites me, presents a new set of challenges, and takes on a personality of its own, leaving pages of memorable experience etched in the annals of  lifes history.

Ones (Ones ! gotta love the English) style evolves as you gain experience – it’s a path of experimentation and self expression that fills the soul with non glutinous, dairy free ecstasies – and if others enjoy or benefit from what you create – that’s a bonus

 The boring stuff ……………

 I have been involved in photography on and off for the past 30 years, (previous 10 yrs professionally), and I have never grown tired of this work (as if you could really CALL it work). 

I have dabbled in various genres of the art form and thrive on new experiences and challenges.  My commercial work has revolved around the hospitality industry, creating images for advertising in the hospitality and game farm industry, as well as product shoots for various companies…blah…blah…blah.

I have owned a photographic studio doing family pics, portraits, modeling portfolios, allowing excitable pets take over the studio, babies to drool all over their moms (and had kids ad-lib a foreign oil crisis protest all over my infinity background).

My specialty though lies in the field of equestrian/equine  photography.  Having covered provincial and national equestrian events for several years, I eventually found my niche in private equine portrait shoots for owners and horses. 

 Enough ! enuf of that I say …………….

  I DON’T :

 I don’t do corny

I don’t shoot weddings – no really – I don’t do weddings – any wedding shots on this site were shot under duress, and partially related to my ingrained and very natural, I would think, fear of nagging axe-wielding mother in-laws or friends that threaten emailing my high school dance outfit photos to national media conglomerates.

I don’t do rushed editing – it’s where everything happens for me – where it all comes together.  ‘The Birthplace’, if you will, of images that will adorn your walls, galleries and … um ipads for millenniums to come.  Don’t rush me or “I keel you”

  I DO :